Calea Dorobantilor,nr.74,
Tel./Fax (004) 0264 448 579
Tel.(004) 0744 490 776
Our law firm was founded in 1997 by Zorica L. Codoban after 19 years of experience in the legal field.
The office activity focused from the start on civil and commercial law. Our competences extended to claims under land law and after 2002 we assisted our clients in recovering nationalized properties. Commercial litigation, family, inheritance, labour and insolvency law were constantly part of our activity. Starting with the year 2003, we offered legal advice and represented public institutions in the court working in the field of administrative law, public procurement and tax law.
We got directly involved in the day to day activity of the private owned companies we work for starting with the year 2010, offering legal advice on a daily basis as well as court representation.
In order to reach our client`s goals we work together with accountancy, tax and intellectual propery experts.
Expertise in the legal field, honesty and effectiveness in reaching our clients goals are our main characteristics.